Natural fungicide

Formulated with potassium extracts with a natural preventive and curative effect against botrytis. Its application attacks the fungus mycelium, causing it to dry out. Chemical-free product, zero waste.

The most important factor in the appearance of botrytis is humidity, as it is essential for its development. The higher the level of humidity in the environment, the more likely plants are to contract a fungal infection.

The ideal temperature for the appearance of botrytis is 17° to 25°C, but it can also appear at higher temperatures. Botrytis cinerea is a fungus that attacks healthy plant tissues (parasitism), those already infected (opportunism), and also dead tissues (saprophytism).

The spores of this fungus, spread by the wind, are capable of remaining dormant for several years in the soil or the environment, until conditions are favorable for its development.

All parts of the plant can be attacked: roots, leaves, stems, flowers, fruits…

FormatUnits/Packaging Palet (L)
1 L 12 840 L
5 L41000 L
Potassium (K2O) soluble in water 12,00% p/p
Excipients 0,10% p/p
Foliar0,5 - 2 cc/Hl

The best results are achieved with preventive applications, when environmental conditions are suitable for the development of botrytis. When the degree of infestation is high, the highest doses will be applied.

Do not mix with products with strong acid or alkaline reaction. Do not apply during periods of strong radiation as this will cause faster degradation of the product.


These dosages are indicative and may vary depending on the crop, leaving it to the technician’s discretion to adjust and vary them.


Microbial complex

Copper phosphite

Phosphoric soap

Insecticide against whitefly and thrips

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