Microbial complex

Formulated with citrus extract with a natural preventive and curative effect against powdery mildew. Its application attacks the fungus mycelium, causing it to dry out. Chemical-free product, zero waste.

Powdery mildew is a parasitic fungus that attacks the aerial parts of plants. Its main symptom of infestation is the fact that the leaves become covered, mainly in the axial part, with a cottony layer of whitish-grey mycelium in the shape of a star. In a severe attack, the leaves turn yellow and subsequently dry out.

The conditions that facilitate the development of powdery mildew are: high nitrogen fertilizers, low light and excess humidity. It affects cucurbits, solanaceous plants, ornamental plants and fruit trees, especially apple, peach, plum and apricot trees.

FormatUnits/Packaging Palet (L)
1 L 12 840 L
5 L 41000 L
Plant extracts 50,00% p/v
Excipients50,00% p/v
Foliar 1 - 1,5 cc/Hl

The best results are achieved with preventive applications, when environmental conditions are suitable for the development of the fungus.

If the degree of infestation is high, the highest doses will be applied.

QUELAFERT® DAKOTA is compatible with oil-based products; do not mix with products with a strong acid or alkaline reaction.

Do not apply during periods of strong radiation as this will cause faster degradation of the product.


These dosages are indicative and may vary depending on the crop, leaving it to the technician’s discretion to adjust and vary them.


Potassium phosphite

Self-defence inducer

Protector against neck and root diseases.

Self-defence inducer

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