Mix of chelated microelements

Soluble concentrate with high micronutrient content. The metallic elements are chelated by EDTA and the non-metallic elements are soluble in water. QUELAFERT® MICROS-L, being a liquid formulation, has great advantages over solid formulations: its dosage is easier, it does not produce sedimentation or caking, its solubility is total and it does not clog the filtering systems of modern irrigation systems. QUELAFERT® MICROS-L has a high content (5.2%) in Iron (Fe), making it a very suitable formulation for urgent corrective treatments (rescue treatments) of iron chlorosis, since the response of the treated plant is immediate.
pH range in which a good stability of the chelated fraction is guaranteed: pH between: 2 and 10.

FormatUnits PackingPallet(L)
5 L 41000 L
20 L 48960 L
220 L 4880 L
1000 L 11000 L
Boron (Bo) water soluble0,52% p/v0,40% p/p
Water-soluble zinc (Zn) 0,65% p/v0,50% p/p
Zinc (Zn) chelated by EDTA0,65% p/v0,50% p/p
Water-soluble copper (Cu)0,39% p/v0,30% p/p
EDTA chelated copper (Cu)0,39% p/v0,30% p/p
Iron (Fe) soluble in water5,20% p/v4,0% p/p
Iron (Fe) chelated by EDTA5,20% p/v4,0% p/p
Manganese (Mn) water soluble2,48% p/v1,9% p/p
Manganese (Mn) chelated by EDTA2,48% p/v1,9% p/p
Molybdenum (Mo)0.13% p/v0.10% p/p
pH (1% solution)2
Once the leaves have reached their full development Foliar Spraying: at 0,1%
From the beginning of cultivation, every 7-15 days depending on the crop. Root application. 100ml/1000m2 (1L/Ha)
Continuously in the nutrient solution, from the start Fertirrigation: 0,025ml/L

It can be applied to all types of crops: horticultural crops, fruit trees, vines, olive trees, strawberries, ornamentals, etc.


Solid Humic Acids

COMPLEXED CALCIUM BLEND. Water soluble fertilizer, foliar and root application.

Boron and molybdenum based bloom bio-inducer

Humic Acids. Water soluble fertilizer

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