PK solubilizing microorganisms and uptake of atmospheric nitrogen.

From purified american leonardite

REGENERATOR (product belonging to the RE line of QUELAGROW) is a complex of microorganisms formed by B. megaterium, Pseudomona fluorescens and Azotobacter sp. that have proven to be effective in the uptake of atmospheric nitrogen and the fixation of phosphorus and potassium, thus achieving greater efficiency in the use of traditional chemical fertilizers and in this way:

  • We reduce the use of chemical fertilizers with the consequent economic savings.
  • We reduce the environmental impact of the use of conventional fertilizers.

REGENERATOR also has other benefits for the plant:

  • Production of secondary matebolites and natural phytohormones
  • Stimulation of secondary root production
  • Promotes root-soil interaction, improving the natural symbiosis between plant and soil.
  • Increases the population of beneficial microorganisms in the rhizosphere.

In short, REGENATOR is a product that regenerates agricultural soils damaged by the continued use of agrochemicals.

FormatUnits PackagingPallet(L)
1 L 840840 L
5 L 4x5L 1.000 L
B. megaterium 1X10^8 u.f.c/ml
Pseudomona fluorescens 1X10^8 u.f.c/ml
Azotobacter sp 1X10^8 u.f.c/ml
Fertigation15-20 L/Ha (Various applications)
We also have other formulations in humic acids, manufactured with the same raw materials:
Total Humic Extract (T.H.E.)

Application tips:

  • Do not apply bactericides or fungicides together with or after the application of the product via irrigation.
  • It is not a phytotoxic product, it does not have a safety period.
  • Do not mix with oils or oil-based products, or high richness coppers.

REGENERATOR, thanks to the diversity and high concentration of microorganisms it contains, is highly adaptable to different types of soils and plants and has a wide range of beneficial effects.


Calcium and magnesium deficiency corrector with microelements

Copper chelates (EDTA)

Liquid complex

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