QUELAFERT® NEMAX is a biological formulation of mitosporic fungi that acts as a nematicide against nematodes of the type Meloidogyne sp., Radopholus sp., Helicotilenchus sp., Pratylenchus sp. and Globodera sp., which infect especially the roots of horticultural crops.
These fungi act in the 3 stages of the pest: they parasitize gall-forming nematodes, forming appressoria, developed from the undifferentiated hypha that allows the colonization of the surface of the nematode eggs, larvae and adults.
With QUELAFERT® NEMAX we achieve:
QUELAFERT® NEMAX is a biological nematicide based on non-genetically modified microorganisms, it does not contain chemicals and has a zero safety period, and can be incorporated at any stage of the crop, although the best results will occur when applied preventively.
Format | Units/Packaging | Palet (Kg) |
1 Kg | 6 U/Box | 600 Kg |
Polysaccharides | 95,00% p/p |
Concentration of Conidia | 5·10 6 U.F.C. |
Fruit and ornamental vegetables | 1-2 Kg/ha |
Product available in countries where its components are authorized. Product not authorized in Spain.
Avenida Primores 41. La Mojonera (Almeria) – +34 950 558 338
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